
Reflections in Africa…
Stoplights are called “robots” – strange.
You never know what you are going to find coming onto the highway/freeway in the middle of nowhere of the person or animal variety.
If you don’t use the shoulder of the road, you may get run over 
It’s never quiet in the bush – roaring river, frogs, bush babies, insects, hyenas, a lions roar, etc…. basically, never ever quiet. Africa has a “sound” to it – and it is very loud!
The 2 greatest wildlife killers in Africa are mosquitos and hippos. Sources still to be confirmed, but based on various materials read to date 
Racism exists. Slavery exists. And yet, it is not only here in Africa!

And then…As a spiritual master once told me – “This is a place of suffering, even the animals suffer and are not happy here.” As much as I love seeing the wild animals, when I come across the remnants of a gouge evident on a giraffe or zebra that has escaped the attack of a lion or other carnivore, it has me pause and reflect on the words of that great master.

There is NO question that Africa has drawn me in. I cannot explain it other than some things are happening within me at a very deep level. I feel pain. I feel abundance. I feel all of the primal feelings that one feels on a frontier of the known and unknown, and I will forever be in loving gratitude for having found my way to this amazing place on earth!

My message for the world: Liv 2 Luv