Today is the one year anniversary of my mother’s passing, and I’ve arrived in Trinidad on board Bronwyn, a 54 ft. sailing yacht, after having completed what I set out to do 225 days prior when I boarded a jumbo jet plane from Denver, CO and flew to Fiji to join a 49ft. Catamaran as crew.

Yes, 8 months and 15,295 nautical miles later, crossing part of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Southern Atlantic Ocean, which is the equivalent of about 2/3 the way around our planet earth, I’ve made it to my destination, the Caribbean, on this poignant day. My heart is both happy and heavy as I try to hold back the tears that still surface so quickly with any thought of my dear mom.

Reflecting on this anniversary date of my mom’s passing (she had struggled 26 years with Multiple Sclerosis), with the sun shining and the humid air of the tropical island invading the pores of my skin, one thing I know in my heart is that my mom would be pleased that I followed my heart’s desire. She would be doubly pleased that despite some challenges and change of plans along the way, that I had completed what I set out to do 8 months ago, and that her death had once and for all ignited the fire of radical change that had been smoldering within me for the last 5 years. In essence, her death had birthed new life for me. All she ever wanted was for me to be happy, fulfilled, and to have love in my life. It has come to pass mom… Happy Anniversary!
